Left you see the same full colour image as above of KING Jesus, only outlined this time. There is no doubt that all these images were put there by our Creator. Very significant features here are ; The Kings white royal garment, crown with clear diadem, scepter (read book of Esther), and His stretched out hand. In the KJV bible Jesus is often referred to as King. Our King is coming back soon ! For judgement. Ask yourself, where do you stand today in the presence of your Creator ? Or do you believe that scientific lie called 'evolutionism' ? Go ahead, enjoy your joyride. It's all about YOUR CHOICE ! The book examines six more clear images to be found on that same location; Satan, Moses holding 10 Commandments, The 'Shin' sign (hebrew letter for God), The Cross, The 7-branched candlestick called Menorah and last but not least an image of the Lion of Judah ! All together in a 7x7 mile square area. Just a Coïncidence ? These clear images at that specific location ? You decide. |